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2024 Rhythms Module: Ayurveda, Restorative Yoga, Mindfulness

Step into a new year with intention & a new way of living fruitful rhythms of work, rest, and lifestyle choices that reduce stress and toxicity.  Sign up the course and get access to an annual examen practice for you to review this past year and notice what gave you life and what drained you!

Each week, we will discover how to be healthy and whole through rhythms of rest through Restorative yoga, rhythms of vitality through Ayurvedic living, rhythms of mindfulness through an MBSR 12-day reset, and sacred rhythms with God.

What do you need? The only required reading for this module is Caren Baginski's Restorative Yoga book. You read a portion of the book each week as you self-pace through coinciding instructional videos showing you how to set up restorative postures with props.  You will have a restorative practice or two each week to enjoy integrating the new shapes.  

 4 Live Calls:

- Live Zoom: On Sunday January 7th, from 2:30pm-4:30pm MST, Katie Pearson will lead a workshop helping us craft a Be New rule of life for 2024 that prioritizes wholeness over busyness. 

- Live Zoom: On Tuesday, January 16th from 11am - 1pm MST, Maggie Lightner will lead us in a workshop called Living Ayurveda.  In each week of this January course, you will put into practice ways in which you can balance your specific dosha for more vitality in 2024.  We will look at nutrition as well as practices (i.e. dry-brushing) that help you reduce your toxic load.  

- Live Zoom on Sunday, January 21st, 2:30-4:30pm MST: Mindfulness + 12-Day MBSR Reset (short mindfulness teachings and meditations each day) with Tracy Cunningham

--Live Zoom on Tuesday, January 30th, 11am-1pm MST Sacred Rhythms on Spiritual Disciplines with Kristin Gibowicz discussing what we've learned from the month and how can live by our rule of life in 2024.

Required book: