Module Summary: This module is focused on empowering you as a Christ- centered yoga teacher to build resilience in all areas of life: physical, emotional, and spiritual. This then fuels our growth and capacity to live out our faith and God's call on our lives to live and move confidently and to spread that encouragement, love, and hope to others. We will do this together, in authentic community, through a deep dive into the power of mindset, the bio-psycho-social-spiritual model of pain, and practical movement modalities, cueing, and hope-filled language. Our time together will be interactive, collaborative, and most of all, focused on ways to make these foundational concepts practical for you as an apprentice of Christ and yoga instructor. Ultimately, you will gain insight as to how to cultivate a greater cup of resilience for yourself as well as feel more equipped to walk alongside others in their pain and discomfort, whether that is physical, emotional, or spiritual.
Who's It For? Anyone interested in expanding their understanding of movement science, current pain science, tissue mechanics, and deepen their faith through the spiritual transformation of our pain experience.